Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween Safety Tips
This is a challenging time with COVID-19 and everyone is wanting to get back to “normal.†The Sheriff’s Office wants you to be safe however you decide to celebrate Halloween this year.
If you are not comfortable Trick-or-Treating, here are a few ideas to have fun this Halloween.
Tips for Trick-or-Treating
If you plan on Trick-or-Treating, check with your community as some have cancelled or are restricting activities this year. If your neighborhood is on NextDoor or has a Facebook group, find out who is giving out treats this year.
- Look for Outdoor events - Avoid crowds, wear masks, and keep safe distances.
- Make the mask part of your costume. DO NOT PAINT MASKS AS SOME PAINTS MAY CONTAIN TOXINS.
- Keep hand sanitizer with you and use it frequently when you can’t wash your hands.
Before trick-or-treating:
Plan your route to ensure that your group will be traveling familiar, well-lit areas. Review your approved route with older children who are traveling with friends.
A responsible and trusted adult should accompany kids in neighborhoods.
Use reflective tape on the trim of costumes and bags, flashlights, or glow sticks to make each person visible to drivers.
Teach children and remind teens to never go into a stranger’s home or car.
Take a cell phone for emergencies.
Set a curfew for older children who are going with their friends.
Test costume make-up in a small area to avoid allergic reactions.
Wear well-fitted costumes and masks to avoid blocked vision, trips, and falls.
Avoid the use of any toy or costume piece that could be considered a real weapon.
While trick-or-treating:
Put cell phones away or keep them down so that your head is up while walking to help you be aware of your surroundings.
Use sidewalks and crosswalks when possible. If no sidewalk is available, use the far edge of the street.
Look both ways before walking across a street, alley, or while exiting a driveway.
Walk from house to house.
If the lights are off, do not approach the house.
Drivers should slow down and be aware of their surroundings. Halloween is not ideal for inexperienced drivers.
Do not exchange candy with other children.
Call 9-1-1 if you observe suspicious or dangerous activities. See Something, Say Something!
After trick-or-treating:
Before eating treats, a trusted adult should check the goodies. Discard loose and unwrapped candy, liquid items, or fruit.
Remove all costume make-up before going to bed.
Tips for Handing out Treats
If you are planning on handing out treats, consider sitting outside so your spooky visitors do not have to touch doorbells or knock on the door. You may also line up prepacked treat bags for trick-or-treaters to take limiting touching the candy.
Dress up for your trick-or-treaters and incorporate your mask in some fun way.
Above all else, HAVE FUN!
Don’t forget to turn your clocks back Halloween Night as Daylight Savings Time Ends!